Environmental Benefit Lot Entitlements
An Environmental Benefit Lot (EBL) is an entitlement to subdivide which is awarded by the Council for providing an environmental benefit to the District. The environmental benefit can be for providing land for a public cycleway or reserve, land for a biodiversity corridor, for a fence/maintenance track or easement relating to Maungatautari Ecological Island (MEI), or for the restoration, fencing, and ongoing protection of an ecologically significant area.
The EBLs awarded for the restoration, fencing, and ongoing protection of an ecologically significant area are determined on a case-by-case basis with the help of Ecologists.

We can help you:
Determine if the native bush remnant, wetland, peat lake, or Significant Natural Area (SNA) on your property is significant enough for the Council to award EBL entitlements.
If it appears feasible, then arrange for appropriate reporting to be submitted to Council to confirm the number of EBL entitlements available.
Understand the generic costs to complete the EBL requirements.
Complete the covenant survey.
With implementation of the Management Plan.
Sell the entitlements as transferable titles.