Development Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is a document prepared by Cogswell which will advise you of the development potential of your property. For example, this may be the ability to subdivide into residential allotments or whether you can build another home on your property, or it could be the construction of an industrial or commercial building.
It’s a good idea to get a feasibility report prepared when you are selling your property to help purchasers realise the potential of future investment. You may also like a feasibility report while you weigh up your options on whether to proceed with the development or to assist shareholders in a decision-making process.
Cogswell Surveys will illustrate some potential layouts for the site (subdivision only) and discuss the rules that may not be complied with in the report. Further information, such as house designs or other reports that may be required (e.g. engineering, land use capability, acoustic reports, traffic reports etc) will be identified. The report will also advise estimated costs of completing the subdivision or obtaining applicable land use consents, and development contributions that may be applicable. An overall conclusion will be drawn of the likely feasibility of a subdivision or development of the land proceeding through the Council process to a consent.

A feasibility study can include:
A full assessment of the property, District Plan zoning
A review of the Record of Title including any consent notices or easement information
Relevant information from the file such as land use consents, service information (if relevant), and any other correspondence
Brief/high level District Plan assessment
At least one development option with identified risks
An estimate of costs to complete