Residential subdivision
Recently, majority of the Residential Zone became the Medium Density Residential Zone. The below applies to most areas in Cambridge, Leamington, Te Awamutu and Kihikihi.
To subdivide in the Medium Density Residential Zone of the Waipa District, you need to have a minimum of 500m2 (net area, excludes access) for a vacant site. If you would like to propose a lot area of less than 500m2, you need to apply for a land use consent with the subdivision consent. The land use consent must contain the house plans for all vacant lots. The proposed houses and the surrounding development must comply with the new medium density standards for boundary setbacks, site coverage, daylight control planes, outdoor living areas and the other bulk and location rules. Any existing homes must comply with the medium density standards also.
In general terms, the District Plan states that you can have two dwellings per title as a permitted activity. Any more than two dwellings will require an infrastructure capacity assessment to be completed by someone suitably qualified which then needs to be accepted by Council via a consenting process.
Relevant assessments on the District Plan requirements such as policy overlays, access, servicing, potential flooding and other matters should be explored with Cogswell to determine feasibility of your proposed development.
Get in touch with Cogswell to discuss your property and potential development opportunities under these new rules.
What is the process?
Cogswell will prepare the subdivision application and then complete the topographical survey of the property, and then submit the application to Council. The consent application will be processed and then issued with a number of conditions. Cogswell will work on completing the conditions of consent and then getting the new titles for you. If there are non-compliances with the application, or specific information requirements that need to be discussed, or potential notification, then Cogswell may consider requesting a pre-application meeting with Council prior to commencing your project.
Contact Cogswell direct to obtain more information on the costs and the timeframe to complete the subdivision.